Hiking trailers

When we decided we want to walk the 800 km long SNP thru-hike with three small children (6y, 4y, 2y), it was clear to us that it could not be done with backpacks on our backs. The youngest Stanko wouldn’t walk much and woulnd need to sleep, and overall we had too much stuff to carry. Since we had previously traveled a lot by bicycle with children, we had experience with a bicycle trailer, and naturally we thought that we could pull a traile behind us even up the mountains. We were surprised that there aren’t many hiking trailers out there and none of them fully suited us (small wheels, the impossibility to takie child, part of the weight of the load is still on one’s shoulders, the price…). An ordinary cart or a wheelbarrow didn’t suit either, so we finally decided to design and build a trailer exactly according to our ideas.

More information about the trailers further in the article…

Continue reading “Hiking trailers”

Discussion after the movie

We always enjoyed the presentations and discussions after the movie, but somehow we never recorded them and it was only for the few present… now we finally have a recording of the discussion from the last screening at Cestou Necestou in Bratislava, where Hacka from OverlandVAN had nice and also funny discussion with us (by the way – accepting offers for moderation ;)).

Podcast “Memories from traveling” #2 – three worlds in Cuba

Kuba - U Rogelia na dvore

Nice thing happened today which reminded us the travelling and especially the people we met (more in the podcast).

Today we are bringing back memories on our favorite country Cuba and three world which exist there – especially the real Cuban world…

S domacimi pijeme rum
Drinking rum with Rogelio and friends
U pani Evy doma
At home with Mrs. Eva

You can also read some of the older articles about Cuba or look at the photos.

Podcast “Memories from traveling” #1 – Mennonites & Vinales

In this podcast we are bringing back memories on our traveling in Americas. Each of us prepared one photo which reminds an interesting place and event which we then discuss together.

Jan chose a photo s with Mennonites who we met in Mexico.

Evit found a photo from Cuba where we spent couple days in Vinales with a family who lived in the middle to tobacco fields.

The podcast is unfortunately only in Slovak, but we promise to record one of the next podcasts also in English…

Podcast from our livingroom – episode 0 – Mario&Marlene

We decided to  create for you (and us) podcasts, because we are so lucky that world is coming to us – many interesting people come to our place and we want to share this talks from our living room with you. These podcasts will be about traveling, cycling, barefoot and life.

This is episode 0. We had here two cyclists – Marlene from Canada and Mario from Spain who were on two week trip in Slovakia and stopped for one night at our place. We had nice conversations the whole evening and this is approx. 20min from it.

Hope you will enjoy it and we are looking forward for any feedback from you.

Fairy tale about a bear Michael

During our cycle trip around Slovakia I wrote a fairy tale – About a bear Misho with decayed teeth and about sheep Mishka who helped him. Our sons liked it so much I had to tell it almost every night for weeks :) After the return Evit edited it a little and together with Janko they drew illustrations for it.

I’m sorry, but I don’t feel I can translate it to English nicely, but if you want to see at least the illustrations, see the Slovak version or listen to the audio: